My tweets about Trump in 2020


18 nov
A few weeks ago #Trump wanted to bomb #Iran. What will he do to stay in power with fraud?

11 nov
#Trump wants civil #war in #USA

25 ott
#mistery : The Thriump of #Death by Bruegel - 1562 the skeleton commander has hair like #Trump ! #Covid19 ? #racism ? #war ? #global #warming ? #dark #prophecy ?

8 giu
#Trump is untrue and manipulative as #Arturito of the #CasaDePapel
Pisolo Books

27 mag
#Twitter #Trump #Stop #Fake

8 mag
When war is declared, Truth is the first casualty - Eschilo #Covid19 #USA #China #war

7 mag
...a man is quicker to forget the death of his father than the loss of his patrimony - Niccolò Machiavelli #Trump #Covid19 early #reopening

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